Watching countless car videos on DRIVE channel on Youtube and doing numerous track time with my JCW I wanted to capture more of the action.
At Top Gear Live 2012 I went over to the Go Pro Booth and looked into purchasing one but I was told not to get one given the requirements I was asking for as the Go Pro 3 would be coming and would be significantly better than the current version camera and function wise.
So waited for until the Go Pro 3 was unveiled. I wanted to buy was the Black edition due to the fact you get a better camera than the base model, better low light performance and the WiFi remote is included as well.
Having brought my Go Pro 3: Black edition for £359.99 then spending a further £40 on a Class 10 64GB Sandisk Micro SD Memory Card and another £29.99 on the Suction mount.
Remember to only purchase a Class 10 memory card only as the processing/writing data of the card needs to be fast
If look at the price of all the kit together at £429.98 its a small fortune before you have started filming but the quality of the product itself is fantastic and robust.
Whats in the Box?
You can start filming from the box but its recommended that you update the camera online as Go Pro update various features in and improve the video/camera processing. The GoPro website will guide you the process and follow all the steps one by one exactly and you wont have any problems then.
If you have got an iPhone or Andriod you should download the Go Pro App as its FREE
The GoPro App lets you control your GoPro camera remotely using a smart phone or tablet. Features include full control of all camera settings, video preview to your smart phone or tablet for easy shot framing and more.
The only real requirements to use the App is that you must have either Go Pro HD Hero 2 or Hero 3 as WiFi connection is need to connect the App and device.
After using the App its a useful thing to have as it allows you to see what Go Pro is seeing so you can adjust the camera according or just shoot on the fly when you want to capture a moment. Its appreciated the Go Pro offer the App for FREE as they could have easily charged for it.
The App does exactly what its says with you being able to click to shot and change the setting as you wish without the need to touch your camera which brings on the point why I wanted to have the remote? Given my shooting would be done whilst I driving I would need a quick and legal way of activating the camera. You can attach the remote to your keys so all I would needed to do is press the button and recording would be begin opposed to unlocking my phone, launching the App then clicking record.
The only negative thing I can say about the App there is about an 5 seconds delay in what the camera see to what you see on the screen of your device. I hope down the line this gets improved or some cool features are added to the App.
Whilst your on their website you can download for Free GoPro Cineform Studio which is a very easy to use editing software to create professional quality clips from your GoPro content or prep for more advanced editing with Adobe Premiere Final Cut Pro, Sony Vegas, etc. From simple adjustments like slow motion control and clip trimming to more advanced color correction and 3D editing, CineForm Studio is a powerful tool for all GoPro content creators.
CineForm Studio features:
- Keep your GoPro cameras and BacPacs current with the latest software updates
- Easy playback and trimming of your GoPro video clips
- Frame rate adjustment for slow motion
- Quickly create videos from your timelapse photos
- Convert GoPro H.264 MP4s into editor friendly CineForm AVI or MOV files
- Apply real-time, non-destructive image adjustments that don’t require re-rendering as changes are applied.
- Adjust video white balance, exposure, contrast, saturation and framing
- Support for ProTune and push-button color presets
- Process and adjust videos captured with the GoPro’s 3D HERO System
- Export MP4/MOV for web sharing, including pre-formatted 3D content for YouTube and 3D TVs
- Preview 3D content on supported 3D monitors and TVs
- Support for other H.264 MOV/MP4 sources such as Canon and Nikon DSLRs
This is the software I used to edit my 1st GoPro video – Dark MINI Rises
[youtube=http://youtu.be/2wmt7ssfDCU]I tried to use Final Cut Pro but my laptop is not up to task given it doesn’t have the processing power and is 5 years old now. Cineform studio made life so much more whilst i was editing as it guides you in what to do to edit the video with 2 stage process with trimming the video and added effect next. Simples
The Suction Mount for the camera is unreal as it’s quite frightening suction mount £400 camera and excepting it that it will be still be there after some Hoonage.
It comes included with short extension arm allows for ultra compact mounting for engineered to provide a broad range of motion and stability. GoPro says its been proven to stay on at 150+ mph which is re insuring given how expensive the camera is.
Now that we have reviewed how its easy to utilise by itself, accessories and what you get for your money. Its time to talk about the pros and cons of the camera.
The Pros
- The video camera quality is amazing sharp with rich colour contrast and depth
- Video quality can be easily changed ranging from 720p to 4K resolution with option change the frame rate to 15,30 and 60 frames.
- The lens width can be easily changed
- The Camera is amazing at 12 Mega-pixels and can take 30 Fps Burst shots on command
- Time Lapse pictures can be used to create a Time Lapse Video
- It’s the perfect size camera and barely weighs anything
- Built in Wifi and waterproof
- Battery life amazing for such a small device
- The accessories are vast with mounts, cases, lenses, filters and after market custom skins
- Free App and Editing software is available
The Cons
- It’s Expensive to buy and so are the accessories
- It was confusing to open the plastic case as there are no real instructions
- If you not familiar with the GoPro is very confusing at the start with setup and learning how to set everything but a quick jump to Youtube and GoPro website solves that
- Audio quality was poor when mounted outside my JCW with very little exhaust note however this can be fixed with external microphone which is more £££
- Why isn’t there a plug to adapter included to charge the camera quicker?
- The App Video delay lag
- Video editing is best done on Mac or High End PC
Review Score: 8/10
Go Pro is something that all fanatics of any sports needs to have to capture you in your moment. The level of entry is high but is well worth the asking price given the quality of the camera, endless accessories and build quality.
Go Pro 3 is an amazing piece of kit and you are the limiting factor with your editing skills and how adventurous you are….
Next Blog Post: GP 2 Review
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